Thursday 22 October 2015

What the change management community looks like on Twitter - mini research

Change Management has been amongst the top corporate priorities for some time now, yet it still poses serious challenges to even some of the most flexible and responsive organizations. For Change Management to be effective and successful, it is absolutely essential to identify the most influential members and change agents within an organization's internal stakeholder network. And that is exactly what we do with our cloud-based organizational diagnostic tool, OrgMapper.

This time, however, we wanted to see who these influential key players are online, thus we used Diktio Labs, our online community mapping suite, and conducted a mini research to identify whom the Twitter community considers Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) when it comes to the topic of change management, and the ideas that connect them.

How we did this

We monitored a specific set of keywords related to Change Management from September 14 to October 7, 2015,­ and mined over 17,000 tweets, tracking the activities of 9,054 users. The below image showcases the network of key hubs.

Each node (lilac dot) in the above network represents a Twitter account; the more interaction a user gets, the larger their node and label will be. For a better visual experience, the network is filtered to only depict edges (connections) that form amongst people who interacted with each other at least ten times. The thickness of the edges indicates the number of interactions between given users. Arrows indicate the direction of the interaction.

Key findings

Our analysis revealed a list of keywords most frequently used in conversations related to Change Management. On the below chart we filtered out the obvious "Change", "Management", "Organizational" and "#ChangeManagement" keywords in order to provide a more accurate picture of other relevant topics. The results demonstrated that innovation, culture and behavior are often mentioned together with Change Management.

A different approach to visualizing key topics related to Change Management.

Top Key Opinion Leaders in Change Management

In order to be considered a KOL in our mini research, users had to have more than 500 followers, and at least 10 tweets and over 10 incoming interactions during the analyzed time period. To calculate and determine the rankings of Key Opinion Leaders, we have taken into account their:

  • number of incoming replies, mentions and retweets
  • number of followers
  • number of tweets

Based on our analysis, the final list of KOLs in the topic of Change Management is as follows:

  1. @mikelehroza
  2. @brunogebarski
  3. @jasonlittle
  4. @aharrell2000
  5. @consultparagon
  6. @innovate
  7. @bizlibrary
  8. @brainzooming
  9. @malati_shinazy
  10. @ms_mac4

As you can see, being an online influencer is not solely about the number of followers a user may have. Our top list includes Twitter accounts with as few as 820 followers all the way to 61,000.

Why influencer marketing is important

Great marketers know and engage their target audience's key influencers. Conducting an online community mapping analysis enables you to identify key opinion leaders who are really capable of getting through to the audience you want to engage, and the main topics that trigger and drive them. Value-driven influencer engagement will not only help strengthen your KOLs advocacy, but also prompt them to get involved in your communication campaigns.

For more information on online influencer identification, contact us at